Keep Showing Up and Shining Out

Hello!!  I was so happy to be invited to guest blog on fabulous author Joanne Guidoccio’s webpage.  I wrote about the challenges of the second act–whether you plan for them, or it happens to you. Here’s a snippet from that blog.


When you read another person’s story, and it doesn’t sound exactly like yours, perhaps you will find encouragement that change can be good no matter what the circumstances. Maybe you’ve already made a change (planned or unplanned). Another person’s story might give you the reassurance that you will be “okay.” The most important thing is this: have trust and faith in yourself!

“In my day,” a woman’s career options were a bit limited. That’s an understatement. Honestly, there were very few choices. Wife and mother (in tandem), nurse, airline stewardess, secretary, teacher. All worthy paths, yes. But even with a professional degree, many women quit the job after they got married. In my case, I got married, but I did not stop working. In fact, except for a few in-between-job periods, I worked full time until I retired in 2014.

I followed the teacher track and taught K-6 for several years. But then my husband’s job took us to a university town where teaching jobs were non-existent. Why? Because all the male grad students’ wives were teachers supporting their husbands. Does this sound familiar?

So, what’s a girl to do? Reinvention!


What came next? Check out the full guest blog. What I hoped to convey is this: you are unique! Your life story is unique. And to paraphrase my yoga studio motto–no matter what, keep showing up and shining out!

After you read the full blog about my many challenges of the second act, I hope you’ll hop over and join my private readers’ group on my Facebook (open to everyone) and let’s chat.  I also hope you’ll keep up with all my blog posts and jump into the conversation.

Again, thank you Joanne Guidoccio for the opportunity to guest blog for you!

Bright red rose

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